TOP FROM LEFT: Kevin Berner of Cobleskill points out a layer of sharp Chert in the “Mingy Quarry” in the Village of Cobleskill. This very visible quarry–on Quarry Street–was active for a few years in the early 1900s, meeting local needs. Next, a drill hole in stone in the Rogers Quarry, another quarry in the Cobleskill Village limits. This much larger quarry employed 180 men at its peak and shipped stone for use building several of NYC’s East River bridges. Below that is Bob Addis of Scotia, pointing out a motor left behind in the Siberia Quarry to the east of the Village. It was likely used to hoist steel cable to move stone. Finally, a view looking east in the Klondike Quarry, the area’s largest quarry during the 1890-1905 building stone boom. They employed nearly 500 men to fulfill contracts with NYC worth about $65 million today. All quarries described have been abandoned and are on private property.

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